The expectations of anyone embarking on a cruise will differ according to whether they are young or old, passenger or crew. Families having kids have one expectation which differs from young couples who again differs from the retired couple who most of all just wants to enjoy a peaceful journey and finally the crew wants to have a secure and safe day at work. But common is that everybody wants to have peace and tranquillity when going to bed being able to feel fresh and full of energy next day no matter where the cabin is placed in the cruise vessel. But getting this is not easy when the approximately 130.000hp main engine is running around the clock producing a lot of vibrations in the steel structure.

For this reason Sika – an international key actor in solving noise and vibration issues – is very important. Sika is able to dampen the structure borne vibrations in the steel structure transmitted from noise sources like main engine, propulsion system, generators, HVAC etc., down to a noise level where the crew can sleep and getting relaxed being able to provide a secure work throughout the whole day making the vacation for the passengers as pleasant as possible.

To dampen the structure borne vibrations, Sika is offering different combinations of visco elastic systems to dampen the vibrations preventing the crew and the passengers from getting dizzy, nauseous etc. and more important making the crew able to give a safe work throughout the whole journey. With the newest visco elastic mortars SFM VEM and SFM VEMX, Sika offers best damping and green solution in the market.

And Sika is not only taking care of the structure borne vibrations but are also reducing the air borne as well as impact noise coming from all the common noises onboard a cruise vessel. Noises causing problems in communication and disturbance to anybody being on board. To avoid this Sika offers a wide range of floating floor systems. Systems which at the same time are certified as A-60 fire approved floor systems assuring that the high fire safety is being correct.

But after damping and reducing all the noise sources on board making it comfortable for crew as well as for passengers it is also important that the surface they are walking on are smooth so they are not stumbling in the carpet or the vinyl etc. To cover this problem, Sika can provide 2 different self leveling light weight compounds and 2 traditional leveling compounds SFM 100 and SFM 120 an one ultralight weight SFM 107 and 2 traditional leveling compounds SFM 118 FC and SFM 190.

Beginning of 2011 Sika released a new 1 component technology. A technology making it possible for the yards to save money in handling time and for the application company not only for handling but also for mixing time. A new product range giving the same or even improved damping efficiency compared with Sikas old 3 component systems. Another benefit of the new technology is that the mortars are very flexible which will reduce the possibility of cracks in the surface.

When choosing a Sika system the owner is also choosing the possibility of saving fuel. Without providing less damping Sikas flooring systems are up to 30 kg lighter per square meter compared to similar systems in the market. This is an important factor not only today but also for the future for the ship owners – to save significant amount of fuel each year because of less weight and still keeping top quality damping systems onboard.

Sika, a Switzerland based company, supplies not only the marine industry. They are also active in the manufacturing industries (vehicles, appliance and building component manufacturing) as well as the building and construction industry. Sika is a leader in processing materials in sealing, bonding, damping and reinforcing and protecting load-bearing structures.

Worldwide there is a local presence in 105 countries and some 27000 employees link customers direct to Sika and guarantee the success of all partners. Sika generates an annual sales amount of € 8.5 billion.