The company "Polychronidis International" was established (1990), by Nick Polychronidis, in Heraklion Greece. It was the first company in Europe, dealing with a complete range of environmental protection technologies, namely water saving, electricity saving, fuel saving, CO2 emission reduction, etc. In 2008, the Company became "Polychronidis International EXOIKONOMISI Ltd" or simply "EXOIKONOMISI Ltd".

Since 1995, Polychronidis International started supplying directly the major Cruise Lines, with top quality and efficiency Water Saving systems under the brand RST (Made in Germany) considered to be the best specialized products worldwide, for their efficiency, manufacturing quality and duration.

Just to highlight, the RST water & energy savers offer 50%+ economy against conventional showers and aerators and more than 20% additional economy, compared to the vast majority of competitive (water saving) products worldwide. Hotel clients are prompted to perform accurate measures and tests to check this out!

Water Saving + Energy Saving Concept

Everybody knows that Water is Life! The Earth has plenty of salted water in the Oceans, but not enough, nor evenly distributed sweet water all around.

The next generations are likely to suffer from sweet water shortages and it is known that wars are very probably going to take place in certain areas for the water sources.

In our civilized world, water consumption is much more than necessary and in water handling we are all "spoiled children".

Sweet water production from sea water is not cheap at all. Reducing the water consumption to comfortable but logical levels, includes very important positive impact in costs, energy consumption, air pollution, maintenance of water handling systems, sewage and numerous other parameters. For Cruise Ships, additional parameter to be considered is more sweet water autonomy, giving more freedom to choose proper places of water supply.

Contact Information: EXOIKONOMISI Ltd