Clean Marine offers exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) for the marine industry, also known as scrubbers. The IMO Annex VI sulfur regulation calls for a 0.1% sulfur limit in emission control areas (ECA) by 2015 and a worldwide limit of 0.5% by 2020. The Clean Marine scrubber removes sulfur and harmful particulate matter (PM) from the ship’s flue gas in accordance with IMO regulations.

Hybrid multi-streaming EGCS solution

The importance of PM capture is the background for the sulfur emission limits and the development of emission control areas. The Clean Marine scrubber has a high-speed cyclone (advanced vortex chamber – AVC) incorporated in the design, providing considerably high PM and liquid droplet trapping. Clean Marine has, since 2004, focused on developing a compact and integrated multi-streaming EGCS solution.

Two fans and a gas recirculation feature (BDR) allows one EGC unit to serve all combustion units simultaneously. This feature ensures that the backpressure in the exhaust pipes, and therefore the efficiency of the combustion units, is undisturbed. With zero backpressure requirements, the single scrubber also serves your boiler in addition to the main and auxiliary engines.

Our system works equally well in open and closed (fluid recirculation) modes. According to IMO Annex VI there is no restriction on discharge of water containing sulfate as long as PAH, turbidity, pH and nitrate levels are within certain levels. Clean Marine offers optional closed-loop mode operation in addition to open mode to satisfy any additional local port requirements. Except for the fans and pumps there are few moving parts, which makes maintenance tasks rare and inexpensive.

Clean Marine is happy to supply a quotation or information related to the installation of a scrubber onboard your new building, existing ship or fleet of ships.